Friday, July 29, 2011


first off i fucking hate game reviews! they're totally biased and the writers concentrate less and less on why we game in the first place: TO HAVE FUN!!!!!
i subscribe to many of the larger gaming mags. the more i read the more i feel like i've blown hard earned money. that being said there are times that i completely agree with what the reviewer is saying but it's happening less and less.
i created this blog to review games and offer a non biased view point. since no gaming company is paying me or kissing my ass in any way my offerings will be candid. that is to say i don't care what the major gaming companies think or the people reviewing them. they're full of shit and everyone knows it. if you don't then you, my friend, have a touch of the downs.
the people who will get the most out of my blog (which will probably not be read by anyone) are people who enjoy FPS, FPS/RPG's (i.e. Fallout) and sandbox type games. I don't do sports!!!!! nothing against it but i think it's retarded to play something on tv that you can go outside and do.
my person feelings but it's my blog so i can say whatever the fuck i want.
who am i: i am a 33 year old engaged IT PM with the disposable income to buy/ rent games and blog about them.
please stay tuned....